Paternity Attorneys In Los Angeles

The paternity and parentage of a child can affect every aspect of the child’s life, including custody, parenting time, child support, estate matters and many more. The ever-evolving concepts of paternity and parentage are complex and sophisticated issues that need to be addressed by a legal expert.

If you are involved in a dispute or possible litigation involving paternity or parentage of a child, Meyer, Olson, Lowy & Meyers has provided sound legal counsel and representation for parties on both sides of the paternity issue for over 25 years. As to be expected, our attorneys are discreet, always maintaining the strictest codes of ethics and confidentiality in paternity matters. When confronted with a paternity dispute, you should have the top paternity lawyer Los Angeles has to offer. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

Legal Matters Relating To Paternity And Parentage

Legal issues relating to the establishment of paternity affect a broad range of family law matters:

The Benefits Of An Experienced Paternity Lawyer

While on the surface, a paternity case may seem cut and dry, the truth is that each case brings multiple layers of complexity that should never be underestimated.

Our experience and success are based on pairing you with the perfect family law attorney for your specific case, factoring in all the aspects of your situation. Paternity cases require discretion, experience, and expertise. Meyer, Olson, Lowy & Meyerss treats every case with the attention to detail and commitment to securing a favorable settlement they deserve. After the consultation, we carefully pair you with one of our experienced Los Angeles family law lawyers and customize a strategy to get you the best result for your specific case. Call us today: 310-750-9510.