A prenuptial agreement can save you a lot of trouble in the event of a divorce. However, a prenup is only effective when properly drafted. It may not work as you intended should you not get things right. As a result, you may be financially exposed and lose significant assets when you legally separate from your spouse.
Below are some crucial considerations in a prenup that will safeguard your interests:
Clearly define marital and personal property
Do you have a running business or other assets you own before getting married? Who gets what if you decide to part ways? Your prenup should aptly capture that to avoid confusion between separate and personal property and each spouse’s interests in the marital estate.
Protect yourself from your spouse’s debts
Without a valid prenup, creditors may repossess marital property and assets to recover a personal debt owed by your spouse. Should your spouse have considerable debt before the marriage, a well-crafted prenup can protect you from financial liability.
Provide for your children from prior marriages
With a prenup, you can specifically provide for your children from a previous marriage by stating what assets remain personal property upon your death. Therefore, both you and your partner will be on the same page regarding who gets what and the children’s inheritance. It will help avoid instances of accidental disinheritance or property battles between your children and spouse.
Avoid confusing language
While you can draft your prenup according to your wishes, it is necessary to have an informed assessment and review of your final draft. It will ensure no conflicting language or clauses that could void the agreement.
Remember, prenups are legally recognized and are enforceable by the courts, but this can only be done if the terms are fair to both parties. As such, you cannot leave anything to chance.