What is the right of first refusal in child custody?

On Behalf of | Aug 28, 2024 | Child Custody

People who share children but have opted to end their romantic relationship will have to determine how to handle everything related to raising the kids. This information is put into a parenting plan that both parties can refer to if they have questions about what responsibilities they have.

Some parenting plans have a provision that’s known as the right of first refusal. This provision requires that the parent who doesn’t have the children is given the opportunity to watch them if the other parent needs a babysitter. There’s usually a minimum amount of time that the parent must need a babysitter in order for this provision to go into effect. 

Why is this provision important?

This provision provides the parent who’s not with the child a chance to spend more time with them. It can save the parent who has the child with them money since they don’t have to pay for daycare or a babysitter if the child is spending time with the other parent instead. 

What should parents know about the right of first refusal?

When a parent is approached about watching the child based on the right of first refusal, a swift answer is likely necessary. These matters should be discussed calmly between parents so they can do what’s in the best interests of the child. 

Getting all the terms of the parenting plan set can take time, but the process might be easier for parents who work with someone familiar with these matters. Ultimately, the parenting plan must be set based on what’s best for the child.
